08 8410 0745 info@coastlands.org.au


We believe God is limitlessly generous. It is a privilege, in keeping with his nature, to have the freedom to give back to Him who has provided for us in all ways. One of the ways we choose to demonstrate our gratitude is with our finances, both as individuals and as a whole church.

We believe, as a church, that God provides for what he’s doing, so his arm is not too short to bless and neither is ours. Generosity, at whatever level, reminds us that as we give, God provides for us, that we live by faith in him and nothing else, and that we are free from the love of money and can give freely with the love of God. Giving is a starting place for generosity as a lifestyle – our first fruits provided by his hand are always his and our actions reveal our heart.

We invest what God provides through faith-based giving into the church, in the form of sustaining ministers, ministries and those beyond us. Debt is an inability to honour our payments and we do not see this as God’s way as he is an abundantly generous God. 

Generosity is always about the heart. Our hands and the resources provide the way and opportunity that we define as giving. We invite you to join us in our giving and in building a culture of Generosity, not for what we can get but because of what we have already been given.

Tithe:  Tithing is the starting point. It’s the minimum financial generosity that we are given as a guide, a starting place for one aspect of a fully given life. Tithes facilitate His ministry and ministers in the church, as well as the legally required administration of a church in Australia.

Offering: An offering is the over and above. It’s an extravagant representation of God’s abundance and overflowing nature. Offerings facilitate the operation, maintenance and payment for facilities that we meet in.

Beyond Us: This giving is an extension of the gospel, as we give to those we do not know. It’s an unconditional gift which is for the benefit of others. 

Once-off giving: A once-off gift that may go towards special events or special circumstances. For example, we currently have a Building Fund (which includes our effort to install a lift the ‘Lift Fund’).

As a church, we give 10% of all that comes in Beyond Us.

Coastlands gives 10% of its tithes to its charity arm, which is the outworking of the church, to the positive effect of our local and global community. 

Coastlands also gives 10% of its offerings to our future. Through wise stewardship we continue Coastland’s legacy, honouring those who have invested and served this church before us. It goes towards blessing those with whom we have relationships, who have Coastlands interests at heart and who bless our community as much as we bless theirs. 


Our Bank Accounts with BFS are as follows:


Types of Giving

BSB Number

Account Number

Account Name


Tithes & Offering 704-922 100017618 Coastlands Main Account
Building Account 704-922 100017620 Coastlands Building Fund
Events (eg Family Camp) 704-922 100017621 Coastlands Events Include your name and event
Global Funds/ Beyond Us 704-922 100017672 Coastlands Global Funds
Coastlands Care/Community 704-922 100017793 Coastlands Care Inc Tax Deductible. Include your name.


Our Bank Accounts with BFS are as follows:

Tithes & Offering

Coastlands Main Account

ACC 100017618

BSB 704-922

Building Account

Coastlands Building Account

ACC 100017620

BSB 704-922


Coastlands Events

ACC 100017621

BSB 704 922


Coastlands Global Funds

ACC 100017672

BSB 704 922

Coastlands Care/Community |
Tax Deductible

Coastlands Care Inc

ACC 100017793

BSB 704 922

Coastlands Church

Coastlands Community Centre is a community engagement initiative of the Coastlands Church community, a not-for-profit group who has a passion for building strong communities.

530 Brighton Rd, Brighton, SA 5048


08 8410 0745

Coastlands Church

Sundays in Brighton

Next Generation

Community Groups

Community Care

CAP Budgeting

Community Cafe

Life Skills

Asia Pacific Partnership

Church Planting

Kingdom Advancing
